Saturday, January 16, 2021

today is the day

i've decided to let go
i've realised i would rather lose my soulmate, my best friend, the most perfect guy i could have wished for, than not stay true to myself
it's no longer a teenage phase
i am 30 and i am the same fucking person
i have waited for it to change that's why i played along and didn't say anything at the time
i mean you don't go to a job interview letting them know you plan to kill yourself in couple of years
you just do your best to get the job and hope you change your mind or they fire you or the company burns down before the time is up
i am still that steppenwolf who wants to hitchhike through the world, switch contries every few years, listen to people's stories and places' stories and leave exactly when it starts getting hard to leave
who wants to live alone and die alone and is in peace with it
what i feel will always be the only truth for me
today is the day i've decided i rather die of broken heart than have a kid and a car and a mortgage
i might regret you, but i am so sure i will never regret not having a kid and a car and a mortgage
i really wish i wanted that happily ever after
it is everyone's dream, but it was never mine
за добре организирания ум смъртта е просто следващото голямо приключение

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